
This has literally saved my life!

I could be talking about emotions all day every day! It’s because I’ve struggled with them most in my life AND also because they’ve been the biggest blessing in my life. As a young woman I suffered with anxiety, self-doubt and very low self-confidence even though I was highly educated, talented and skilled. I would […]

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Time to sit back and celebrate!

You’ve been working so hard because you really want something in your life. You want and crave it so badly that you would do anything to get it. My dear, there is a good news….. You’ve done enough. Your work is done and now it’s time to relax. So today, give yourself the permission to: […]

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The Power of You!

Sometimes the simplest things are the most powerful ones. Have you asked yourself why is life so hard? Why can’t be everything just smooth and easy? And it can be. But for some reason, we humans, we like it difficult 😉 It’s true. It’s more fun this way……. Just think about this for a minute. […]

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Your Brand New Vision for 2020!

Have you already thought about what you want for Christmas? Maybe not exactly, but you might want to start thinking of what kind of goals you’d like to have for this year. And if you are thinking, please spare me this nonsense, i get it. There are many people talking about New Years resolutions etc. […]

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Have you ever tried to manifest something and then you got so serious about getting it that it took out all the fun out of it? I know what you mean. That happened to me too. Since I started seeing some success with my initial manifesting efforts I created bigger and bigger goals for myself. […]

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Anger is godly!

What?!? You hear me right, wonderful soul. It is time for you to stop making yourself wrong for having emotions!!! And anger is an emotion too. Are you at war with yourself when you feel a bit angry here and there? Do you sometimes feel guilty for having anger because you “shouldn’t” feel it? Like […]

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Taking a hard decision made easy

When was the last time you made a hard decision? And was it easy? Or did you spent days or weeks evaluating all your options? Did you nerve wrecked your head and bit your fingernails and still couldn’t make that choice? If that sounds like you, read on. It happens to all of us, from […]

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I refused to feel bad about this!

So you know that for the process of manifesting what you want in life, how you feel, really matters!  Right? How many times however, did you feel bad about something you did? Doesn’t matter how big or small, it could be even something like you forgot about the birthday of your best friend. Or something […]

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You can be stubborn or manifesting

I have something to admit to. I’ve been a coach for a while now and was preaching about what to do and how and I was stubborn, myself. I refused to do the one thing which I knew whould help me turn my life around.  You see, before I jump into what was the core […]

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You’ve got it all wrong!

You thought, life is happening to you. You felt like you have no control over what’s happening, like you have no choice in the process. You quite often find yourself saying “I don’t know what’s going to happen” like you had no impact on the events around you. Can you relate to that? I am […]

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