
How to interrupt your paterns?

Ever wondered why is it so difficult to change your attitude or your mood in certain situations? Imagine your day going by with a sort of ok feeling, progressively getting worst through out the day, a little annoyance here and there. Finishing the day exhausted and purely glad that it’s over. Not a pleasurable idea, […]

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We all go through it!

As a success and freedom coach I went through some rough times in my life too. I felt deeply ashamed and inadequate because as a successful lawyer at some point, as a marketing intelligence analyst, political assistant or an attorney I had one thing in common. No matter what I did, what profession I chose […]

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Want more energy in your days?

I have a suspicion. We all know that there is more to life than what we see. That there is more to life to experience than you do and that you can have more that just what you have right now. You just got complaisant about it. Resentful and maybe stoic. Saying stuff like “Life […]

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The Date Which Didn’t happen

My project of self-love and intimate relationship with myself got to a halt for some time. I got sick and was not able to go on any dates what so ever. A breakdown happened in all of my communications (I felt down, not in the mood and quite frankly disinterested to date at all). The […]

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What are you not accepting in yourself?

Why am I sharing all the emotional stuff with you here? I used to be a lawyer, as some of you may know. And I used to supress my emotions, I did not feel anything for a very long time. And then one day something happened. I told myself that I had enough of always […]

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Self-love project 15 dates in 80 days

I’ve been craving love for my whole life. I’ve been single for more than 10 years. Well, on and off but without a significant relationship. Today I’ve made a declaration to myself and to the world. I am committed to creating a loving and intimate relationship with myself which gets to be reflected in dating […]

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Compassion can be scary….

I always thought that compassion is weakness. Not publicly of course. But secretly in my head I was so scared of compassion because well, truth to be told I thought it’s that person’s fault that they are in their troubles. I was unforgiving and striving for perfection. In the last couple of days I got […]

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Where does confidence come from

It’s not a question because I want to give you the answer right from the top. Confidence comes from you, when you accept yourself fully. It’s that easy. You do not need to be perfect. You do not need to do more work on yourself. It’s now. You can claim your confidence right now in […]

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What can you not tolerate?

As many spiritual people, you might have gotten caught in a vicious circle “forgiveness is good, intolerance is bad” kind of trap. I had a very similar experience with someone very close to me. Our relationship was just not working. I disapproved of so many things this person did and I turned myself almost crazy […]

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Getting out of the struggle

I am sitting here and all is burning inside. I do not know how I came to this place but I am here. I cannot get out of there. I am not free to move. I am stuck and paralysed by fear and anxiety. ??? Now, when I started working with that more closely in […]

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