It’s shocking. I have to warn you.

When you feel stuck, what do you do?

You tried everything.

You bang your head against the wall saying I do not know what to do anymore. I did everything right!

Did you have the same experience????

What if the solution to your “stuckness” was completely different to what you might think.

What if the way out from there was so unimaginable that it never occurred to you before.

The way to freedom is something you do not want to do.

It’s failing. Better said be willing to fail. 

Not being afraid of screwing up. 

Being bold in doing what’s wrong but it’s coming from fear based place.

The fear stops you in your track where you are and will not let you further.

Your intentions to break through and willingly risk yourself will set you free. 

No matter what it is.

So, my questions for you today is: What are you willing to risk today????

Are you willing to say what you really think? Do you have the guts to risk a fight with someone even though you hate fighting?

Can you risk to look stupid for asking for something you really want?

What else can you ad and more importantly, what are you going to do about this???

Let me know what shows up for you and if you need more support, I am only a click away.

With Love,


